It Has Begun!

I finally decided to start a blog. It's something I've put off for some time now, even though I've been pushed to do this for a few years now, and by more than a few people.
How can I say no to this?

I'll discuss a wide variety of topics here: Austrian economics, voluntaryism, anarchy or anarcho-capitalismphilosophy of libertyunschoolingprimal living, why I think most people suck. You're probably also going to see some influence from comedy greats like George Carlin and Bill Hicks.

I'm guaranteed to bother some people with some of my views or opinions, and especially with some of the facts I present. In fact, I'm pretty sure most people who visit my blog more than a few times will find some things that they love about me and some things that they hate about me. It should be fun!
I believe this is what fun looks like.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions or make topic suggestions. At the very least it will give me something to talk about, or give you an idea of how much you love and/or hate reading my blog. 

That's the way I see it.
